Guides & Resources

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Whether you’re looking for an age-specific online safety guide or apps and tools to help children get the best out technology, use our filter to sort through our recommended resources and guides to find what you need. Use the ‘like button’ to give us your feedback on the resources.

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Screen time tips to support 0-5 year olds
A balanced use of screen can offer children key benefits to help them to learn, explore and interact with the world around them.
A balanced use of screen can offer ...
Conversation starters Cyberbullying supporting 6 -10 year olds
Use our list of practical tips on cyberbullying to help children aged 6 to 10 to have a safer online experience and build up their resilience to get the best out of the digital world as they grow.
Use our list of practical tips on ...
Conversation starters Cyberbullying supporting 11 -13 year olds
Use our list of practical tips on cyberbullying to help children aged 11 to 13 to have a safer online experience and build up their resilience to get the best out of the digital world as they grow.
Use our list of practical tips on ...
Apps & Platforms
ThinkuKnow – Band Runner game
Band Runner is a fun and interactive resource from Thinkuknow that helps 8-10-year-olds learn online safety skills through online gaming to help them stay safe from risks they might encounter online.
Band Runner is a fun and interactive ...
Apps & Platforms
Google-family-link (2)
Google Family Link
Google Family Link app can help you set digital ground rules on children's android devices to help them manage their screen time and keep an eye on how they use their devices.
Google Family Link app can help you ...
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